Women in Business 2025
Women in Business 2025: Impacting the missed generation
For 21 years, we’ve tracked the proportion of women occupying senior management roles in mid-market companies around the world. The last five years have seen sustained growth on this key measure and, as a result, we now expect parity to be reached in 2051. But, as we’ve said in previous reports, that isn’t soon enough.
At the current rate of progress, a young woman starting her career today will be working for more than a quarter of a century before she can expect to work at a mid-market firm with gender parity in top roles. We must act now to increase the pace towards parity – we owe it to women and to the economies and societies that sustain us. And so, it’s apt that the theme for International Women’s Day 2025 is ‘Accelerate Action’. We simply can’t afford another missed generation.